Malvern Hills Ultra 50
4th May


Unofficial Result

Noel Jones 10.58.00

I think of the race as one of three parts; run to the Malverns, run along the Malverns and back, then run back from the Malverns. The first 7 miles is mostly road. Then it hits the Worcester Way for 10 miles of undulating foot paths. Then there is that last bit with the big hills. I had an uneventful run out to the Malverns and focussed on trying to keep hydrated (I forgot to drink anything for the first 7 miles) and fed. That second section along the Worcester Way was hard work though and seemed to take an age but eventually after 20 miles we got to the hills that the race is named after. On my way up the first hill (North Hill - the big one) the lead runner passed coming the other way. Well done he said as I gave him a round of applause. I think that's one of the nicest things about running, especially in ultras.


Going out along the Malverns I followed the Garmin which took me to the top of every hill and running down them did my quads no favours at all.  As I came off the last one someone pointed out the path going around them which explained why I'd seen no one coming the other way for a while! I did actually know about the path but the map appears to go over the tops so that's where I went. It was nice to finally get to the turnaround but resting wasn't an option.


Coming back along the Malverns I made much better progress using the lower path (and met a lot more people). I took the opportunity for an ice cream on the long slope back up to the top of North Hill, which having a punch point at the top was one we couldn't miss out. Having cleared the Malverns there was just 20 miles to go. I soon realised how much I'd trashed my legs, particularly my quads. My mantra became "every mile run is a mile closer". I got to the last CP and just 7.5 to go and my legs had lost the ability to run. Before I could have second thoughts I set off again. It was time for emergency measures so I popped a couple of Nurofen down as I went up the slight hill out of the CP. As it levelled I dug out the mantra, promised myself a steak at the hotel and thought of the Guinness in the car. It wasn't pretty but I was running again. I got the map out so that I could check off my progress turn by turn..

I've heard people report hallucinations when running at night. I have to report they occur during the day. I heard some voices and looked up to see two tall girls with lovely brown hair getting into a car. They turned out to be wooden gate posts. Just keep running! Finally after 10 hours 58 minutes I reached the Guinness I'd been dreaming of.


Noel Jones

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