6th Rab Mountain Marathon
6th/7th October 2012


Official Result

Matt Burgin 470 points (12:27:26)

Glorious sunshine and near-clear blue sky welcomed us to the start line of this year's RAB Mountain Marathon held in The Cheviots, Northumberland National Park.

Using a pre-printed map ( approx 20Km x 20Km), teams visit as many check points (a small, well hidden red/white flag about the size of a hankie) in the allotted time limit (7 hours day 1, 6 hours day 2) to accrue as many points as possible (winner decided by most points in shortest time). Checkpoints carry points based on distance/difficulty and tend to be 15 to 25 points each: the furthest/highest at 40 points.
Countryside is open access and very often there is no discernable path (heather, bog and rough grassland) so ability to use a compass and run on a bearing is important.   It takes approx 1hr of hard slog to get 40-50 points with severe penalties if you are late finishing at each stage: 50 point penalty if 10mins late to the maximum of all stage points lost if 30mins late. The last hour of each stage is always frantic.
It is two-day self-supported event so tent and cooking kit etc is light weight and minimal. No water stops but fresh drink from the nearest burn (with a steriliser popped in for good measure) tastes excellent.
A great weekend out: thoroughly recommended.
Matt Burgin

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