Silverstone Duathlon
19th August 2009


Official Results

Alan Barratt 57.29
Sally Cartwright 59.33
Ian Herbert 1.05.39
Jackie Bullard 1.12.28

I and a few other Harriers took part in the 3rd Silverstone Duathlon on Wednesday 19th August. It was a lovely warm evening perhaps a little too warm. The race started later than planned following the briefing. Never having done one of these events before I didn't know what to expect and so set off conservatively on the run. I could have done with some 'L' plates on the first few corners on the bike section but by half way through the second lap it was becoming easier. By the time the bike section finished I was a bit dehydrated so took longer in transition having a drink, (note to self, make sure I have a drink on the bike another time), made up a few places on the run though. I really enjoyed what was a whole new experience for me and will probably do another one in the future.

Sally Cartwright

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