St Ives 10k
19th July 2009


Official Result

  Chip time  
Tim Price 43.22  
Paul Harris 44.06  
Catherine Thompson 49.30  
Tony Jones 51.22  
Katarina Darcy  57.55 pb
Ivone Joaquim 58.31  

Race Report.
I cannot say much about this race as I am still in shock of my finish time - hooray for start and finish chip timing (especially for us that start at the back!)
It began as a very cold, wet and windy day at the St Ives 10K event. The fun run had finished by the time our event came round and despite the weather the 10K was very well attended. The course took us out and back, briefly through the town and up onto the very windy runway at the airfield... sadly not an aeroplane in sight to grab hold of. There was one water station en route but I decided to give it a miss (I really cannot drink using a cup as the drink goes everywhere but..... and that's when I have not had a few!) Many runners did not like the out and back airfield course but actually I did as it gave me an insight into how many people were in front and how many were behind me when I reached the turnig point, I could also see how far I had to go. I will not comment on the hills this time as they were not "too bad". We collected a  ug, banana and water at the finish and returned our chips. There were a couple of stalls selling sports gear, but having been at the Classic's triathlon trade stalls yesterday and mentally spent a fortune I decided not to go near the stalls at today's event. A sprinkle donut was awaiting my arrival home! Well done to all of the Harriers who took part in the 10K, we all did really well.

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