Stevington 12k
Official Results |
Katarina reports on the race:
On Sunday 17th May many local clubs, including Bedford Harriers, and some attached runners participated in the Stevington 12K (some of us competing with only a couple of hours sleep the night before due to the Midnight Walk and other activities). Several runners didn't show for the race, they must have been the wiser ones as it was cold, wet and a bit windy. Even when I got to the event I was debating as to whether I should stay in the car and 'watch' or go out and run. But I did the latter and for some strange reason I didn't regret it at all.
The start and finish was on the playing field at the village hall and the course covered part of the Oakley 20, so at least I knew where the hills were! It was quite a testing race due to the weather conditions with the wind was blowing completely in the wrong direction when we were running up the hills and numerous puddles to run through (or jump over). There were two water stations en route and one at the finish. The marshalls continued to be happy throughout the course, giving lots of encouragement to the runners. However there were a few drivers who were not so happy and am sure were getting as close to the runners as possible, or enjoyed driving at full speed right through the puddles to splash everyone.
I give praise
to the Harrier's triathlon kit arm warmers that I had on. They kept my arms
lovely and warm on the run and there was fortunately no drag like there could
have been if I had worn my usual long sleeve purple running top. Everything else
was completely soaked so there had been no need to have showered before the
The hot coffee and cake at the end made the run worthwhile despite looking like
a drowned rat for the photographer
Race Results :
Runners Pages