2nd Trail Gascon
21st February 2010


Official Result

Bob Wells 1.40.28 2nd V3

We have had some cold weather in Toulouse since my last race in the snow at the beginning of January. However, weather conditions were much better for today's 18km Trail Gascon but it was a tough course with lots of mud and a total of 1400feet of ascent in the hilly Department of Gers.  I finished 53rd in 1h 40m 28s, one place behind the winner of my V3 category.

Yet again there is more to report about the recovery phase than about the race itself. The (free) food and drink was as good and abundant as ever. Somewhat unusually the organisers actively promoted the local culture and I particularly enjoyed this.Old (V4) couples in regional dress gave a traditional dancing display as the runners finished. Before the prize ceremony (using a few straw bales for a podium) local actors performed (very well) a couple of sketches in local dialect and a dignitary explained that the course had been based on a unique geological feature. It must have been a unique sort of mud!


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